International Business Export Portal

We are excited to announce that we have recently partnered with exporters to service international demand. 

How to Get Started
If you’re an international company or individual looking to access our products, follow these steps:

  1. Explore Our Export Partners – We work with trusted export partners who can facilitate the shipment of our products to your location. Click on the links below to learn more about them.
  2. Email us at with your inquiry, requesting to be connected with an export partner.


Our Export Partners:

  • Gibraltar Arms 
    • Gibraltar Arms is registered and licensed to export firearms, firearms accessories, gun parts, and related items. We export for military, law enforcement and individual shooters. We have extensive experience and a solid reputation as a reputable import and export specialist Awarded “Best Exporter” in 2014 by the State of Idaho.
  • CT Group
    • CT Group, LLC is located in in the central part of the United States in SW Michigan. We are logistically close to Chicago for International Air Freight and use NYC, Baltimore, Houston, and Long Beach CA for our ocean freight needs. We’re registered with the US State Department DDTC and US Commerce Department as a Broker and Exporter. Active in the import and export business since 2011. Currently, we supply retailers, distributors, police and military units internationally. We are active in most of the European Union (EU), Scandinavia, Asia, Middle East, South America, New Zealand, and Australia. We represent many firearms and defense product manufacturers in the US. Our strength is our ability to provide expedient solutions to the client by our desire to meet specifically their needs and deadlines.
  • Triton 6
    • We are specialists in the field of Wholesale Distribution, specifically for Military, Law Enforcement, Security, and Intelligence Products and Services. Our diverse and widespread collaborations with a variety of companies empower our clients with a broad selection of products, effectively addressing their procurement needs.